Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another year...

Well, another year of my life has gone by and I can honestly say that 31 was the best so far.   I would be interested to know if I have said that every year but I doubt it.    I had more fun last year than I can remember having including fantastic trips, fun nights out, great friendships and as always a pretty incredible family.   I think the maturity of friendships when you are in your 30's makes life more fun.  The drama is gone and friendships just seem easier.  Does that make sense?   I heard an interesting fact on the radio the other morning - the average girl considers them self old at 28 while the average male thinks he is old at 50.   I don't think I am old but I can definitely tell a difference in how my body handles things differently.   Hangovers hurt more than they use to (great song).  Sure, I feel old when I hear that you had to be born in 1990 to be 21 or when I get asked if we are having a 15 year high school reunion but for the most part - I don't feel old.  I certainly don't act old (did anyone see me on Saturday night?) and some might say (or have said) that I need to act a little more my age.   In my opinion, those people need to stop aging themselves and have a little more fun in their life.  I remember being told in my mid-twenties that your thirties are the best years and thought there was no way it could get better.  I was wrong.   Anyway, thanks for making 31 awesome and here's to 32.  So far, I have gone home sick, had the heaviest . of my life, and have asked a cat to be friends on Facebook.   Okay, okay - so maybe my 3 days of 32 are not quite that exciting yet (DB - you are the funniest cat in the world) but stay tuned because there are lots of things to come.   I have 4 potential set-ups which are great odds for at least one of them happening!  We will see...

Love you all!   

1 comment:

Allison said...

I can't wait to tell DB she got a shout out on the internets (as she calls them). She will be very pleased to hear she has entertained you!