Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Working Out...

K, T and I have a little Biggest Loser style bet going on to lose some weight before being in a bathing suit (too late!). Anyway, K and I decided to take her dog to Memorial Park after work yesterday. To understand this task, you must see the puppy first:

That's Hank. He's tiny and still not close to being full grown. He only weighs about 125 at this point and I think his dad was 180. Needless to say, he is not the easiest dog to just walk. Or so we thought. But we go to the park and after only a few minutes of him getting used to it - he was perfect. K let me hold the leash the entire time which of course made all the men look at me first. Okay, by the end of the 4 miles - I was actually more convinced that I looked like the dominant partner in our relationship. It looked like the happy couple was walking their ginormous dog. Oh well, who cares - it's not like I really think you could ever meet someone at a running track unless maybe you ran smack into them when it was overly crowded. Not that I have ever done that but I have been dangerously close!

The whole point of that explanation is to tell my pet peeves of working out:

1. The girls that run with their horse hair down who are clearly trying to pick up males. This is Houston people - the weather is nothing short of an inferno so there is really no reason to add the sweaty feeling of your hair running down your back. It gives me chills thinking about it.

2. The couples that walk hand and hand the entire time. Look, this is not really a place for a nice stroll in the park. Either work out and drop your hands or go on a picnic. Besides, aren't your hands drenched in sweat?

3. The people who run/walk on the wrong side. Ma'am - do you see how you are the only person in the past 3 miles running on the left hand side? This is a two-way path - keep to your right or prepare for an encounter with the tiny puppy I am holding.

4. The FTBTers (full-time blue-toothers) that can't part from their phone for a mere hour while jogging around the park. Dude, I get that you are important but I find it ridiculous that you can't be out of touch for a little while. If anything, it will be SO exciting when you get in your car and see all of those missed calls (or none!).

Tonight is Yoga. I was talking to Wedding Guy last night and he said the only thing he knows about yoga is that girls fart a lot. Really? Now, I am extremely nervous that I am going to do the downward dog and make some noise.


Anonymous said...

omg, FTBTers are my pet peeve! do not understand it....ps- why doesn't anyone else post comments anymore??? ughh....

Anonymous said...

#4 totes applies to S :)